
In November, the Utah law firm of Younker Hyde Macfarlane, obtained a $1.83 million jury verdict in a medical malpractice case against North Canyon Care Center on behalf of the family of a client who had multiple sclerosis.

The lawyers of Younker Hyde Macfarlane, represented Cheryl Sprague, the wife of the late Morley Reed Sprague. According to the lawsuit, Mr. Sprague died as a result of negligence by the staff at North Canyon Care Center (NCCC), which is located in Bountiful. The claim that was filed stated that the medical staff’s failure to follow instructions regarding pressure sores contributed to a deterioration of Mr. Sprague’s health that eventually resulted in his death.

Mr. Sprague was 57 years old when he was hospitalized in 2012 with sepsis and a urinary tract infection. Prior to his hospitalization, he suffered from severe, end-stage multiple sclerosis that left him frail and wheelchair-bound. Because Mr. Sprague was unable to change his position without assistance, he had a high risk of developing pressure sores and ulcers if his body remained in the same position for a prolonged amount of time.

The claim stated that while at NCCC, Mr. Sprague experienced deterioration of existing pressure sores and developed a new stage IV pressure ulcer on his right buttock. Mr. Sprague was discharged with a pressure wound that failed to heal.

According to the court documents, Mr. Sprague lived with this unhealed wound for 20 months, during which time he underwent extensive antibiotic treatments and professional interventions. No medical procedures proved effective. At the end of this 20-month period, Mr. Sprague elected to enter hospice care. He passed away a few months later.

The jury found the NCCC staff negligent and awarded Mrs. Sprague and her family the award.

The case was tried in the Third Judicial District Court, Salt Lake County; Case No. 140908104, Cheryl Sprague vs. Avalon Care Center – Bountiful 350 South, LLC dba North Canyon Care Center.