Jul 18, 2018 | Featured Insights
Yetter Coleman LLP of Texas recently had one of its most important dismissals upheld in a North Carolina court. On June 7, the Federal Circuit affirmed a dismissal of patent infringement claims the firm secured in early 2017 for RadiaDyne, a medical device developer....
Jun 26, 2018 | Featured Insights
Cravath Swaine & Moore’s lawyers have been busy this month. The firm represented TimeWarner in its merger with AT&T that set a new antitrust precedent. On June 12, 2018, the United States District Court for the District of Columbia ruled that AT&T...
May 24, 2018 | Featured Insights
In late April, Rosenberg & Estis, P.C. and Amsterdam & Lewinter LLP won a landmark decision in the Court of Appeals of the State of New York, which impacts thousands of residents of rental apartments in New York City. The case, Altman v. 285 West Fourth LLC,...