New York’s Leading
Personal Injury Lawyers
The Dauti Law Firm, P.C.
Top Verdicts & Settlements in New York for tenth year in a row
The Dauti Law Firm, P.C. represents a diversified group of clients, both individuals and companies, in domestic and international civil and commercial litigation matters. The Firm uses its knowledge of many aspects of the law to develop innovative strategies for negotiation and litigation with a single objective: To reach the best results for its clients in the shortest possible period of time.
Ylber Albert Dauti is honored to be included in the Top New York Verdicts/Settlements for the tenth year in a row with million and multi-million dollar awards.
- $2.250 Million award on Celaj vs. Henry Cornell, et al. (2018)
- $1.1 Million award on Peca v. Amy Bullock, (2018)
- $2 Million award on Spiro v. USA (2017)
- $1.175 million award on Johnson v. S.P. Dealbuquerque and Authentic Renaissance, Inc (2016)
- $4 million award on John Doe v. ABC Hospital Corp. (Mediated Confi dential Sett lement, 2015)
- $2.7 million award on Ibrahimi v. New York City Transit Authority (2015)
- $1.35 million award on Dautaj v. Alliance Elevator Co.(2014)
- $3 million award on Berisha v. 1957 Bronxdale Corp.(2013)
- $1.76 million award on Kramer v. Curry,, (2012)
- $1.2 million award on Bajrami v. 5400 Company, (2011)
- $1.81 million award on John Doe v. ABC Corp. (Mediated Confi dential Sett lement, 2011)
- $2.225 million award on Xhaferri v. Housing Partnership Development Corp., et. al. (2010)
- $1.68 million award on Maliqi v. 17 E. 89th Street Tenants, Inc., et. al. (2009)
39 Broadway, 14th Floor,
New York, NY 10006
Ph: 212.566.4891 | Fx: 212.271. 3314