
In the first two weeks of this month, the Long Island-based personal injury law firm Edelman, Krasin & Jaye (EKJ) settled two workplace accident cases for a combined total of $6 million.

On May 10, the firm procured $4 million in a pre-trial settlement for client Ronald Dirschneider, who was injured while installing a heavy metal beam at a women’s clothing store. Dirschneider sustained serious foot injuries requiring surgery while performing renovation work as an employee for Vulcan Iron Works, Inc. at the time of the incident.

The claim arose after Dirschneider allegedly tumbled head-first down some stairs while lowering a 500-pound beam. According to court records, the plaintiff had been moving the beam when it got caught on a stair tread that was slightly offset. While dislodging the beam, it pulled on the plaintiff’s glove, knocking him off balance. The resulting fall caused him to suffer multiple injuries to his right foot, including a post cuneiform fracture and torn ligaments, the former of which necessitated two surgeries to implant and later explant hardware.

“Establishing liability was complex in this case. After our motion for summary judgment on Labor Law 240 was initially denied, our team was able to get this reversed on appeal, leaving our client’s monetary damages the only remaining matter,” said senior partner Lawrence P. Krasin.

The settlement was reached at mediation in the Supreme Court of the State of New York (Index No.: 113834/11) on the eve of trial.

On May 2, EKJ secured a $2 million settlement in the Supreme Court for New York County (Index No.: 153842/2013) for a client who injured his left heel in a workplace accident. According to court documents, the injury occurred on April 20, 2012 when the plaintiff was performing his usual employment duties in New York City. While hanging a sign on the exterior of a sidewalk shed, the extension ladder on which he was perched suddenly slid out from underneath, causing him to fall and fracture his heel. The incident took place in front of 164 Ludlow St.

“It was our contention that the defendants violated Labor Law 240(1), and therefore should be held liable for our client’s injuries, medical expenses, pain and suffering,” says Paul B. Edelman, senior partner at EKJ. Section 240(1) of New York’s Labor Law is designed to provide a safe workplace for employees whose duties are often performed on hoists, scaffolds, ladders and stays.